Top End Artificial Reefs

Apr 29, 2021

In 2019 four new artificial reefs were installed in Top End waters to provide the recreational fishing community with great fishing opportunities! An artificial reef is a man-made underwater structure built to promote marine life. It is used to create new habitat for fish to help increase numbers and reduce pressure on existing natural reef and fish stocks.

Purpose built reefs have been shown to be highly productive. The reef complexes are large concrete structures that are five meters tall and four meters square at the base, weighing about 24 tonnes. They create new habitats and provide new fishing areas and reduce pressure on existing natural reef and fish stocks for up to 100 years.

A variety of reef species will benefit from these reefs. This includes those that prefer very close contact with reef structures such as black jewfish, cod and coral trout, those that remain adjacent to the structures such as snappers and emperors, and Pelagic species that visit occasionally such as mackerel and tuna.

Location, position & depth

  • Dundee Wide 12 44.445’S, 130 10.387’E, approx. depth 16m
  • Lee Point Wide 12 10.083’S, 130 47.033’E, approx. depth 28m
  • Gutters Central 12 09.459’S, 130 34.665E, approx. depth 28m
  • Adelaide River Mouth 12 07.587’S, 131 11.545E, approx. depth 16m